Associated Press Election Results Live Map (Nov) State?

Associated Press Election Results Live Map (Nov) State?

Associated Press Election Results Live Map (Nov)  State? >> This article talks about the latest update of the Associated Press election of the United States.

Are you curious to know the latest update regarding the election of the United States? If the answer is yes, you are in the right area to get to know all the details about the election.

There is several news about the U.S. election on Google and different social media platforms, but all such information is not correct.

So, Associated Press Election Results Live Map will give you all the latest news regarding the United States’ election.

Who are the candidates in the U.S. election??

The White House campaign is now down to the last minute with the present U.S. President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden competing in the central states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania.

The Democrats rely on mail-in votes, mostly in support of the Democrats, to offer Biden the final push to 270 electoral votes in United States.

Numerous states have allowed mail-in votes to be received after election day, as long since they’ve been registered to vote by Tuesday. Democrats usually outperform republican voters in mail voting, whereas the GOP is seeking to build upcoming election day turnout.

Go through Associated Press Election Results Live Map to have a clear idea about the current election scenario.

Latest information regarding the election battle between Bidden and Trump

In the meantime, Biden’s team claimed Wednesday lawyers were standing ready if Trump moves the court to avoid counting of the votes. Trump, who has accused the group of Bidden as fraud, argued that he had already won the elections, and counting more votes was just like committing “fraud to the American public.”

If you are looking for further information regarding it, scroll Associated Press Election Results Live Map below.

Associated Press Election Results Live Map:

According to the latest update, Trump has won in Florida, Texas, Iowa, and Ohio. On the other hand, Joe Biden has taken Arizona, New Hampshire, and Minnesota. Till now, Biden had 238, while Trump had 213 electoral votes, as per the Associated Press Election Results Live Map. But a nominee requires 270 votes to win the presidency.

Expected Zonal Result:

Till now, Trump is set to conquer Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, West Virginia, Wyoming, Indiana, South Carolina, and Utah.

On the other hand, Biden has embraced Democratic-leaning states such as California, Colorado, Columbia, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington.

Follow the Associated Press Election Results Live Map to know who won the hot battle of U.S. election.


It is known that Biden had 238 electoral votes, while Trump, on the other hand, had 213 electoral votes. So now, Biden is ahead of Trump, but the situation can be changed at any time. A candidate for the U.S. election requires 270 votes to win the presidency. So please remain connected with us to know current news regarding the U.S. election.

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