Robinhood Google Reviews (Jan 2021) Some Facts Below

Robinhood Google Reviews (Jan 2021) Some Facts Below

Robinhood Google Reviews (Jan 2021) Some Facts Below >> Today you are reading about an App, that is getting downgrading by its unhappy users!

Is the rating coming down for Robinhood App? Robinhood Google Reviews has put this App to a one-star rating due to salvaging by Google.

Many unhappy users of the Robinhood App in the United States are review-bombing this trading and investing application.

Google salvaged the one-star rating of Robinhood App by deleting more than 100,000 negative reviews of the unhappy users. 

It is actively doing so as there were disgruntles users of the Robinhood App who wanted to bring down the rating from 3.5 to one-star.

This article will let you know about the negative reviews and de-grading ratings of the investment and trading App, Robinhood.

What is Robinhood Application?

Robinhood Application is a smartphone App, the popular App in the United States. It benefits the people looking for commission-free investment and the tools they want to use for making the motion of their money.

Robinhood Google Reviews have de-graded the ratings of this trading App from 3.5 to one-star. The Robinhood team is working hard to bring back the trust and rating of their App.

The App was in the news recently for its server down the error and login issues. After its issues in the App, the users are review-bombing the App to de-grade it to a one-star rating.

The App, which offers free stock disclosure and trading, is in controversies now and then.

Why Is Robinhood App Facing Review-bombing?

Robinhood, the trading and investing Application, is going through a review-bombing by unhappy users. Google is now actively removing the negative Robinhood Google Reviews from the Play Store. 

Some organized campaigns and users are disgruntled, and give a one-star review on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

The unsatisfied users succeeded in de-grading the ratings of the Robinhood Application. 

Are The Robinhood App’s Negative Reviews Being Removed?

Robinhood Application is getting massive negative reviews from unsatisfied users. Google has actively removed more than 100.000 reviews of the App from the Google Play Store.

The App’s team has also removed many negative Robinhood Google Reviews to upgrade the ratings and bringing it back to around the four-star rating.

After the App’s team’s announcement, it came under intense security on January 28, 2020.

It announced to block the stocks and purchases of AMC, GameStop, etc. Many angry users have replaced their deleted reviews to get heard and express their anger.

Final Conclusion:

Robinhood, a well-known smartphone Application, is facing review-bombing from angry users. Google says that it takes action on reviews that it feels have violated its policies.

Google also states that the companies cannot delete reviews themselves. The angry users are not showing anger only through reviews; they are also going for a class-action lawsuit against the App.

The App, which received negative Robinhood Google Reviews, is now back to 4-star ratings on Google Play Store and 4.5-star on Apple App Store.

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